November 1, 2011

San Jose Pass The Mic: 408 Edition (Part 2)

2nd San Jose Pass The Mic Featuring Playa Rae, Cel One, Pody Mouf, Blockzilla, G Dog, Stevebo, Komatoze, Krist, Bossquach, Slick Spit, T-buiz.  Who You Think killed it??  I'm Going with a 3 way tie Playa Rae, G- Dog, & Krist. 

Pass The Mic: 408 Edition (Part 1)

The First of the San Jose Pass The Mic.  This one feats. Justo, A-Money, Gangsta Reese, Smit Grands, Big Myke, E-Nut, J Roc, Aftah Sum, & Yung Ghost  (SONG ORDER) Produced by MERC.  Who You Think killed it?  Big  Myke had the best verse IMO

Joe Cutter - Mechanical Facelift (Video)

Dope Song from Cutter off "Sisterhood of Dead Centerfolds".  Support.  P.S Heard Joe Cutter and Self D are working on a collab album